Weekly Reflection Questions

March 9th

Life of Jesus – Spiritual Freedom
John 8

Read John 8.

What does Jesus teach us about grace and truth in the event around the adulterous woman?

Why do you think the Pharisees questioned Jesus’ authority throughout this chapter?

In John 8:31-32, what kind of freedom do you think He’s referring to?

What does it mean to abide in Jesus’ word as mentioned in John 8:31, and how can we practice
this in our daily lives?

Read Luke 9:51-56.

What does it teach us about Jesus' heart for mercy and grace?

What can we learn from his actions?

Read Luke 10.

When Jesus sends out the 72, what stands out to you about His instructions for their mission?

When have you felt God working through you, and how can we encourage one another to celebrate His work in our lives?